Dirty Rig at Certificate 18, York – 3rd May, 2007

Dirty Rig is a 4 piece band from NYC, and they are all about hard rockin’, beer drinkin’, good times! They kicked off their UK tour at Certificate 18 in York, which is an awesome venue with a great atmosphere.

Riff-rock is back and Dirty Rig do it best. Chas on geeetar, Uncle Buckshot (who “lurrrves beer!”) and the beast with spiky hair Dave, and last but certainly not least, the front man and underground legend of Warrior Soul and now Dirty Rig – Kory Clarke.

The band opened with ‘Suck It’ - a real kick in your teeth. With a smexual husky vox and old skool riffs and beats yet keeping a fresh sound, it was good to hear. A punchy ‘Rock Did It’ with a “we rock, we roll, we fight control’. Hell yeah guys! Contrastingly, in ‘Cities, Scenes and Thieves’ Kory sang with genuine heart and soul and really drew me in.

Dirty Rig’s message: Live life to the full and Party Party Party! And there’s certainly nothing wrong with that!

The addition of the live footage dvd on their cd gives fans a great insight into this band that you MUST see live to appreciate them at their best. They rawwwk and you will be in for a treat! I have included their gigs on my Band Tour Dates section.

To check out more visit www.myspace.com/dirtyrig and www.dirtyrig.com


Till next time…


Keep It Loud