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Cherrie Lynn Interview
Ok, so the past year I went book crazy and have been working my way around some billionaire bad boys, kick ass bikers and raunchy rockstars (what a book slut, right? :P) ANYWAY! After reading one on my GoodReads list, a book called Unleashed (Ross Siblings #1) popped into my recommendations. I read the blurb and thought it could be fun, and it really was, really! Evan is so sweet but a little naughty at times and protective, then I met his tattoo parlour owner brother Brian and he rivals all tattooed and pierced sweetness that I have laid my eyes on; then I was not prepared for the bald, foul mouthed, inked hunk called Seth aka. Ghost.
But it’s not always about the boys; it also has some awesome heroines which include ladies who are sensitive, sassy and independent whilst softening the hearts of even the strongest of fictional men.
One thing I loved about these books is that you can tell Cherrie is a fan of metal music. Not only is there a scene at a KoRn concert, debates about the hottest girl in metal, mentions of 90s era In Flames, Lamb of God playing in the background of the shop but one of the characters has assigned “People = Shit” by Slipknot as a ringtone to people he doesn’t want to talk to (something I’ve done myself).
Check out my interview with New York Times and USA Today bestselling author – Cherrie Lynn.
Q 1 | What inspired you to write a contemporary erotic romance series? |
A |
It was by accident, really. I started out wanting to write less-erotic paranormal romance. My first completed manuscript was a historical with vampires--it still lurks on my hard drive and will most likely never see the light of day. I only started reading erotic books when I went to work as a final line editor for Samhain Publishing, and I found I really liked them. When Samhain put out a call for red-hot summer stories, the idea for Unleashed was born. I *loved* writing it. I didn't get it finished in time to make that call, but I submitted it anyway, and my editor said "Let's go for it!" The rest is history. I still love paranormal, as evidenced by my two demon books, but we're going to keep the focus on the hotter contemporaries. |
Q 2 |
Why did you decide to create fictional characters around an “alternative” lifestyle? Apart from good-boy Evan of course J |
A |
When I was writing Unleashed, I loved that good-boy Evan had a bad-boy tattoo artist little brother. I guess in my heart Brian was the sort of hero I always wanted to write--a pierced, tattooed, heavy metal fan. Because that's what I like. ;) But back then (2007 when I wrote Unleashed), I didn't think there was a market for that kind of hero in romance. Boy, was I wrong. I came up with the idea for Rock Me, and I worried the entire time I was writing it that Brian wouldn't get a good reception. He has an apadravya and I honestly thought that might turn most women off. Wrong again, ohhh, how I was wrong! That book had wonderful success, especially after the 50 Shades of Grey phenomenon broke out. And why mess with a good thing? I'll keep writing these guys as long as I can, because not only do readers love them, I do too! |
Q 3 |
For those who might not have checked out your novels, can you tell us a little about your Ross Sibling series? |
A |
The Ross siblings are two brothers and an older sister: Evan, Brian and Gabriella. They have very well-off parents and are popular in their community. Evan is the good-guy lawyer, Brian is the youngest and the rebellious tattoo parlor owner, and Gabby is the oldest and a med school student. Each of them has his or her own story of finding everlasting love. Given the popularity of Brian's story, I created a spin-off series dedicated to his friends and employees at his parlor, the first of which is Leave Me Breathless about Ghost and Macy. That series is being tentatively called Leather and Lace. Aside from the romance and sex, you can know when you pick up a book from either of these series that there will be a strong focus on love, friends, and family, and of course all the ups and downs and good-and-bad of those relationships. I hope if you haven't checked one out yet, that you will soon! |
Q 4 |
From the online responses, Ghost and Macy’s story seems to be the most popular. Why do you think that is? |
A |
It's hard for me to be objective about my own work. I have no idea what the reaction is going to be when I put something out there--my mind was blown when Leave Me Breathless made the New York Times bestseller list. But I think the draw is Ghost. He's brash and uncouth, he's hilarious, he's strong despite his pain, he's alpha without being a real asshole (most of the time), and he's a god in the bedroom. What's not to love? And I don't think there could be two people more opposite than Ghost and Macy. The way they are able to overcome their differences and make it work is very touching to a lot of readers. |
Q 5 |
What is the most challenging aspect of writing? |
A |
Honestly? Not getting distracted by the internet. It's almost reflex; when I don't know what the next sentence is going to be, I start idly browsing. Before I know it, two hours have slipped by. If I don't rein myself in, I'll waste an entire day like that. I'm a terrible procrastinator too. A VAST majority of Gabby's book has been written in the last two weeks because of a looming deadline, even though I've had three months! |
Q 6 |
You’ve posted playlists for each Ross Siblings book so far. How much would you say rock and metal music influenced you with regard to creating your characters and their stories? |
A |
Oh, they wouldn't be here without rock and metal. Simple as that. I can have entire scenes inspired by a few lyrics. Sometimes I can be stuck and whatever song I'm listening to will give me the idea I need to push on. Or I'll be away from the computer and something I hear will remind me of my characters and make me want to get back to work. It can also pull the emotions out of me that I need to channel into my writing. There are so many different ways I'm influenced by my favorite music that I couldn't list them all! I can't imagine where I would be, or if I'd even be doing this, if I didn't have that inspiration. It's the greatest thing to be able to put my love of metal into my books. The only thing better than getting a reader email about how much the reader loved my books is getting an email thanking me for introducing them to a new band. That's awesome! |
Q7 |
Are there any particular musicians, models or actors you had in mind as inspiration when writing these characters? Adrian Patrick from Otherwise for Seth/Ghost, please explain more. |
A |
It's funny, because usually I don't do that. I have the characters in my head but they don't resemble anyone in real life. Ghost didn't start out as Adrian. But when I began writing Ghost and Macy's book, I kept hitting wall after wall after wall. It was horrible. I couldn't find their voices. I scrapped everything and started over--more than once. There was a time I honestly thought I might have to tell my readers this book wasn't going to happen. But then Rock Me took off. My editor kept telling me I had to ride this wave. I knew I needed to buckle down and finish the damn book. It was around this time that I saw the video for "The Promise" by In This Moment with Adrian Patrick. Then Otherwise came out with "Soldiers" and I started seeing him more. I was watching an interview with him on YouTube, and it just clicked that he could be Ghost. Once I had him in my head, writing Ghost wasn't a problem anymore. :D So, thank you, Adrian. This book might not have happened without you! |
Q8 |
Some of the banter and comments from the characters have had me howling with laughter, particularly the story behind Ghost’s name. Have you based this upon real life experiences or is it totally from your imagination? |
A |
It's totally from my imagination. Though I will say my husband is the most hilarious person I know and he really influences the guys' senses of humor. Some of his jokes might have slipped in here and there, but yes, mostly it's all me. |
Q 9 |
You recently released the cover for “Take Me On” which is the sister Gabriella Ross’ book. What can we expect from her story? Is she much like her brothers? And who will capture her heart…if you can say? |
A |
Gabby is a mix of her brothers. A little of Brian's rebellion, a lot of Evan's ambition and sexy seduction. I'm having a lot of fun with her. She wants what she wants when she wants it, only this time, getting what she wants bites her in the butt. lol. She's struggling not to let a really bad situation take away the control she has over her life. Her hero, Ian, is the new artist at Brian's parlor, and he's more low-key than some of my past heroes. She needs someone to ground her, and he's perfect for that. |
Q 10 |
Which book of your stories would you most like to see made into a movie? And why? |
A |
I'd actually love to see one of the demon stories made into a movie. Sweet Disgrace would be a good one. They're not my most popular books but I have a soft spot for them. |
Q 11 |
Tell us about your first concert experience. Which bands did you grow up listening to? |
A |
I grew up listening to Led Zeppelin, Iron Maiden, Dio, Alice Cooper--I hung out with my uncle a lot, who was only 11 years older than me and was into a lot of good stuff. My mother still "blames" him for my musical tastes. lol. Korn took my concert virginity. The first time I ever saw them was in February 2000 in Dallas, the Sick & Twisted tour. I live in the boonies so it's hard to get out to concerts sometimes. But I'll make the trip for them. |
Q 12 |
A lot of people make pre-judgements of erotic romance novels. What would you say makes yours different from the rest? |
A |
I try to keep them real and not too over the top. I like to keep the focus on the relationships and the obstacles, and while there IS a lot of sex, it's not ALL about the sex (or maybe for some it is, lol). I'm all about the little moments and the words that take your breath away, or make you burst out laughing...or crying. There is a lot of angst in my books, a lot of emotional baggage, a lot of hang-ups to overcome. Because I think we all have those. |
Q 13 |
Please can you share with us your other projects and upcoming releases? |
A |
Gabby's book, Take Me On, should release in December 2013. Beyond that, I'm kicking around an idea for Starla, one of Brian's employees at Dermamania. She's starting to speak to me and she's dealing with a really painful and impossible situation. I'd love to give her a happy-ever-after! |
Thank you so much for taking the time out to do this interview J You rock lady \m/ and I can’t wait to read what you have in store next.
Check out some of Cherrie's books. |
Ross Siblings Series |
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Sweet Disgrace Series |
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